







Earn Money, Then Make Art 2021

2021 / Materials: Discarded light bulbs / Candles and paper

The discarded light bulbs were picked from a garbage dump in a large industrial park, where my neighbour Xiaofu took me to. They retain the dust left by exposure to the elements. The burning candles symbolise the pressures of life. They heat the light bulbs that contain my artistic ideas.

Some bulbs have become so blackened that the text inside is no longer visible, and some paper has turned to ashes. However, as the candles burn, the flames get lower and eventually will no longer affect the bulbs and
papers, leaving a puddle of melted wax on the ground.

I have a "Face Book," filled with miscellaneous artistic ideas. I often hear people say, "Earn money, then make art." However, whether or not you make money is one thing, and whether or not you make art is another. These two things often don't correlate directly.

This installation is my reflection on the relationship between earning money and making art, and also a reminder to myself.


捡废弃灯泡的工厂园区 2021/06/24