
Someone with glass helmet

Someone with glass helmet
**Someone with Glass Helmet** was my first piece of work created in 2018 when I started creating freely in my junior year. At that time, I found it very difficult to express my concepts. Initially, I thought it was a lack of linguistic freedom, but I soon realised that the bigger influence was the cultural background and other factors that form the context of communication. It felt as if there was a fluid membrane between people, making mutual understanding impossible, even when using the same language.
《戴玻璃头罩的⼈人》最早是在2018年,大三开始自由创作时做的第⼀个作品。 当时感到表述⾃己的创作概念,是⾮常困难的一件事情。 一开始觉得是语言上的不自由,随之发现影响更大的其实是⽂化背景这类构成沟通语境的因素。 仿佛⼈与人之间存在一层流动的薄膜,互相之间⽆法理解、即使是使用同一种语言。
So, I "solidified" this fluid membrane into a glass helmet as a symbol. The handmade blown glass helmet, unlike industrial products, has an uneven texture that causes distortion in the wearer's view, making it difficult to gauge distances. Hearing is also affected, with external sounds coming through distorted and delayed, as if underwater. At the same time, one's own sensations are amplified—the sound of molars grinding almost causes tinnitus, and one can clearly hear their own breathing and feel the moisture and heat of exhaled air condensing on their face, blurring their vision. This process essentially magnifies the differences in perception between oneself and others.
于是我将这层流动的薄膜“固化”成玻璃头罩作为象征。 ⼿工吹制的玻璃头罩区别于工业制品,不均匀的质地使人在戴上头罩之后, 眼前的景物发⽣了变形,对于物体的距离感变得难以掌控; 听力上也出现偏差,外界的声⾳传递进来扭曲且缓慢, 仿佛置身水中。同时⾃己的感受被放大, 后槽⽛摩擦的声⾳几乎使人产生耳鸣, 能清晰地听到⾃己的呼吸以及呼出⽓体产⽣的水汽和热量氤氲在脸上,模糊了视线。 这个过程其实就是将人对于⾃我和他⼈感知差异的扩大化。
In a series of photos taken afterward, I shot nearly a thousand pictures over three sessions, with less than five successfully capturing the connection of bubbles. I had a Japanese student in white sit on the left and a Chinese student in black sit on the right, both wearing glass helmets. I, also dressed in black, stood in the middle, creating a connecting channel with the bubble liquid.
之后拍摄的⼀组照片,前后拍摄了三次,接近一千张,最后拍到泡泡成功连接的照片不到五张。 我找来一位⽇本学⽣身穿白⾐服坐在左边,一位中国留学⽣身穿⿊衣服坐在右边,两⼈分别戴着玻璃头罩,我也同样一身⿊⾐站在中间拉动泡液构成一条连结的通道。
包含了脆弱、转瞬即逝、梦幻的泡泡,对于“沟通”⽽言,是我想到最贴切的比喻。 疫情席卷全球的期间,头罩的象征含义也出现了新的变化。
Someone with glass helmet-Connect 2019
